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Sam Bogwandas

Technical Account Mgr, SME Project Manager

I have been working with Janet Johnson of StrategyNook for the past few weeks we have identified and developed a plan to move past hurdles and sticking points to reach the next step in my personal career development.

Her coaching skills and tools have allowed me push beyond what I thought were limitations, which has already borne fruit in the form of C Level recognition and a major multi-datacenter migration project. As a result I have been tasked to lead a new internal education initiative to craft out a technical training program across the eight thousand strong employee base. Continuing on this new success I am setting new goals levels and raising the bar. Thank you Janet for your continued coaching and motivational input! This has enabled me to set higher expectations for myself in the corporate environment and realize my untapped potential. Confidence and self assurance have made me stronger and I will continue to work with you to build on the great foundation with renewed effort and meaning.

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