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Isn’t it time to stop struggling and ACHIEVE your wildest goals and dreams?

To push hard and get what you WANT? To follow your dreams and build a life you LOVE? To be a WINNER?

Truly joyful, happy people are those who know how to use their thoughts and minds to make their dreams a reality. They strive to conquer every challenge in life, love, family, and career. They know that when they pursue their DREAMS, they are on the path to happiness.

They are FOCUSED on pursuing their passions. They WON’T let anything stop them. And because of their mind, they WILL succeed.

And yet so often, we struggle the moment we encounter resistance. We give up on our dreams, thinking them too difficult...




Do you know how to persevere?

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

Maya Angelou

Do you believe that you can live the best year if your life?

Do you have faith that NOTHING is going to stop you from achieving your dreams? you know HOW to make those dreams come true?

Ask yourself…

  • Am I currently happy with my life?
  • Am I pursuing my dreams?
  • Do I give up on what I want?
  • Would my life be better if I knew the secrets to having a brain wired for success?

From the time we’re young, we’re told what we can and can’t do.

We’re told what to believe:

“That’s not possible.”

“Only a few people manage to achieve that.”

“You’ve never done that before.”

“Wealth is only possible for the select few.”

“You can’t be the next Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg…”

It’s time to let go of the things that hold us back. To put our limiting beliefs aside and go all-out for our dreams.

To let absolutely NOTHING stand in the way of the life we want to live.

To stop living someone else’s life and start living OUR lives.

But we don’t know how.

We feel stuck. Frozen by the naysayers and fears and limiting beliefs.

But what if there were a solution?

A way to overcome obstacles, conquer fear, and ALWAYS KEEP GOING?

Now there is...


Cultivating a Mindset for Success
How to Prime Your Mind to Win at Work and in Life

The step-by-step process for creating a HIGHLY successful version of your brain, and creating your ideal lifestyle and the mindset, beliefs, and habits that support it!

This powerful course contains 36 lessons that lead you on a step-by-step journeyto breaking through EVERY challenge. A journey of changing your mindset, overcoming your limiting beliefs, and living the best year of your life.

A journey to the BEST version of yourself.

In this life-changing course, you’ll learn:

  • The SURPRISING ways to change your mindset to one that attracts success
  • How to REMOVE every limiting belief you have
  • How to ELIMINATE your negative habits
  • How to PREPARE your mind for prosperity
  • Techniques to CHANGE limiting thought patterns
  • How to stop SMOTHERING your dreams
  • The secret reasons your BRAIN always triumphs over talent
  • How to Identify OBSTACLES
  • How to DESIGN your life
  • And so much more!

Unlock Even More with Free Bonuses

Get these 3 BONUSES ($7,900 Value) when you sign up for this course.

Simple Lifestyle Changes: Big Impact
Mini Course - (value $3,700)

Mini Course - includes 1 90-min coaching call and Course support group forum. Once you have travelled the path towards a successful mindset, it's time address small changes that are easy to implement across all domains of your life and enhance growth. This course helps you do just that.

Fighting Your Fears
Mini Course - (value $3,700)

Mini Course - includes 1 90-min coaching call and Course support group forum. Stepping out of your comfort zone, the space where you have lived for such a long time, can become difficult and even scary at times. The course helps you to zone in and address your fears.

Setting Your Personal Goals (Value $500)
Mini Course - (value $500)

This workshop walks you through goal setting that will help you focus on bringing alignment across all domains of your life with the purpose of improving your performance and productivity.

This powerful journey could absolutely change your life.

In 20 years, you could look back on THIS as the time when you finally achieved your dreams and built a life you absolutely love.

When you were set free.

When you stopped being held back by your beliefs, discouraged by negative habits, and became the person you were DESTINED to be.

This is your moment.

Your fork in the road.

Your door to freedom.

They key to the cage has been given to you. You can either open the cage or throw it away.

It’s your choice. Will you be a WINNER or continue living as you have been?

You could try to learn all this on your own, but it would require hours upon hours of reading and research.

You wouldn’t have the guidance of an expert.

And you wouldn’t really know if you were making progress.

Or you could be taken by the hand and guided on this life changing journey.

Which will it be?

There are 5 modules with X total lessons.

The modules are:

Module 1 - The Success Brain Mindset

In Module 1, you’ll find an introduction with tips to get the most out of the course. Then it’s time to get busy. The important first step to developing a brain geared toward success is developing a success mindset. You’ll create your own definition of success, enhance your thinking, and learn how to deal with the fear of failure. Raising your expectations and avoiding self-sabotage are also covered

Module 2 - Attacking Limiting Beliefs

You now understand the importance of having a success mindset after completing Module 1. Module 2 focuses on overcoming and minimizing limiting beliefs. You’ll greatly reduce the resistance in your life by completing this module.

Module 3 - The Systematic Approach to Goals

Goals are a necessary part of a self-determined journey toward success. Many set goals improperly and fail to fully harness the power of goals. Learn how to set your intention for the future and then make it happen.

Module 4 - Creating Healthy Habits

Habits are the cornerstone of success and failure. Healthy habits benefit all areas of your life. This module introduces the power of habits and how to manage them. Designing habits that support your goals from the previous module helps make success more automatic.

Module 5 – Living the Best Year of Your Life

This final module gives tips, advice, and insight into having your best year ever. The module concludes with a thorough example of what it takes to have a great year. You can live your best year if you’re willing to do the work and stretch yourself.

Today, you’re going to get access to this entire life-changing program for ONLY $1,747.

This courses is augmented with weekly coaching calls, as well as instruction and consultation

  • Course Modules (value $12,500)
    This is a 5 week course - 1 Module per week delivered through video lessons with assignments, affirmations and other relevant materials
  • Weekly Coaching Calls (value $3,000)
    This course is supported by 5 weekly coaching calls of 90 mins each. If you miss your coaching call, not to worry! The recording will be available for replay within the group.
  • Course Support Group (value $3,000)
    Receive additional instruction and consultation from your instructor and collaborate with your cohort through the course community support group forum. Engage with fellow course members.

Finally, you’re going to...

  • Let NOTHING stop you from accomplishing your goals
  • PURSUE that dream you’ve been thinking about so long
  • FINALLY conquer your fears
  • Learn to CREATE the life that works for you
  • STOP putting things off and START making forward progress today

Isn’t it time to embrace the life you deserve?

To become winner you know you are?

The choice is yours.

Regular: $2,747

Today Only: $1,774

Or make 2 easy Payments of: $923.50

This Special Offer Expires in:

Questions? Email:


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About The Instructor

Janet is a Management Consultant, Certified Coach and Holistic Health Advocate with more than 15 years of strategic project and business management experience coupled with expertise in stress management, life coaching, and mentoring. She is the proud owner of StrategyNook LLC where she helps companies and individuals develop strategies and brands to improve performance and maximize growth.

As a Life Coach, Janet works with individuals and groups to define and implement their plans and objectives to fulfill their business, career and personal life goals. She incorporates stress management techniques which help her clients unlock their full potential and remove barriers to success..

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there requirements or prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who wants to create their ideal lifestyle and the mindset, beliefs, and habits that support it.

Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.

What benefits will I receive from this course?

  • You’ll find out how to overcome limiting beliefs.
  • You’ll discover a lot about yourself and why you are the way you are.
  • You’ll learn how to replace negative habits with positive habits.
  • You’ll learn to develop new empowering habits.
  • You’ll raise the expectations you have for yourself.
  • You’ll let go of your fear of failure and push forward no matter what.
  • You’ll learn how to stay positive even when you don’t want to.
  • You’ll see how to create a success mindset that will push you to the top.

By striving to create a highly successful version of your brain, you can build a life you love, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life.

Is there a particular audience that this course is geared toward?

Those who want to pursue their dreams, conquer their fears, and build a life they truly love. Those who are tired of being held back and want to do what they love.

Remember, for only $1,747 you’re getting…

  • Course Modules (value $12,500)
  • Weekly Coaching Calls (value $3,000)
  • Course Support Group (value $3,000)

Will this actually work? Yes, it absolutely will.

30 Day Action Takers Guarantee

In fact, I’m willing to GUARANTEE it. If you take action on the materials and don’t find yourself rewiring your brain and moving toward your dream, you will be able to re-take the course at no extra cost.

Your successful, winning life is waiting for you.

You can finally build the life you love.
You can make YOUR dreams a reality.

Regular: $1,747

Today Only: $2,747

Questions? Email:


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All information is encrypted and transmitted without risk using a Secure Sockets Layer protocol.

In your corner,

Janet A Johnson
Business & Life Coach

P.S. If you have any questions, please ask. I’m happy to help. I want you to live your authentic life. You can get in touch with me at:

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