I have heard people say they “don’t do stress” but they admit to having challenges from time to time. The truth is, whether or not we want to find a different word or language to express it, stress is a part of everyday life. Stress is simply a normal response to situations that are often beyond our control. It affects as much as 75% of the human population. The working population is said to be affected more than any other group. At modest levels, stress can help to keep us alert, and we are more likely to avoid danger.
In today’s fast-paced global economy, stress has become so common that it has blended with our daily living. For many people, life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. In small doses, this may help to improve performance under pressure. However, if you are constantly running in emergency mode, your mind and body end up paying a great price. In addition, productivity then becomes diminished. Much of this burden can be prevented by recognizing the signs and symptoms, and taking effective steps to reduce the harmful effects.
Headaches, insomnia, high blood pressure, upset stomach, chest pains, insomnia, panic attack, anxiety, and depression are some of the illnesses that can result from unmanaged stress. If you find yourself experiencing any of these illnesses, take action. You see, when these go unchecked, they can lead to diseases, which in turn impact our quality of life and productivity.
The point is, stress management in your career and personal life is critical. Finding an appropriate response can make a huge difference in your well-being and productivity.
1. The first step is to accept the fact that everyone is prone to stress.
2. Next is to be careful to set realistic expectations and be honest about your limitations.
3. Then, find healthy ways to create a life balance.
The following infographics highlight a few facts, and “do’s and dont’s” with solutions to stress management. I hope you find this helpful.